what next? Casa Nueva Vida next!
I've been procrastinating for far too long right now, so this will have to be a quick post, but I thought I should give a quick update now that I've decided what I'm doing next year! That being, Childrens' Education Coordinator at Casa Nueva Vida, a homeless shelter in Boston for single Latina mothers and their children which seeks not only to provide safe, permanent and affordable housing, but also to empower their residents to become independent of all forms of public assistance. I'll be working with children anywhere from infants to high school kids, tracking their progress, coordinating volunteers who come to help tutor, creating and running ed. programs and field trips, etc. Lots of one-on-one time, which will be great, as well as enough administrative work to keep it interesting.
The position is actually a placement for a fellowship with the Jewish Organizing Initiative. I received a conditional acceptance back in April, and have been working on finding a placement since then. It's been a long process (not without its frustrations, as noted in an earlier post) and I'm glad it's over! Friends and family will note (and probably question) that the position has no direct correlation with environmental work -- and this is something that I agree is unfortunate -- but I think the benefits of working in a diverse community, gaining educational experience and a year of training workshops and seminars in organizing through the fellowship program (every friday the fellows come together for this as well as Jewish learning), and the Jewish community created by the fellowship of young Jews interested in social justice will make it a very worthwhile year. My task will then be to bring this experience and learning with me when I return to directly environmental work.
Ok, speaking of work, I'd better get back to it. One last comment though - I'm excited to be back in Boston! Those of you still in the Boston area (and the entire northeast, for that matter) who I haven't been able to see nearly often enough this past year will therefore find me saying hello in person far more frequently :-)